4:名無しさん@涙目です。(庭) [US]:2024/01/02(火) 21:05:42.83 ID:9wLnmObc0 BE:323057825-PLT(12000)
#BREAKING: Numerous reports of multiple explosions and buildings shaking on Roosevelt Island
#Manhattan l #NewYork
Currently, numerous emergency crews and other agencies are responding to reports of multiple explosions, causing buildings to shake in the Roosevelt Island Manhattan and Queens areas of New York.
Firefighters in the vicinity have reported feeling vibrations and have requested Con Edison employees to address power outages at several buildings.
According to EMS personnel, firefighters are dealing with multiple maintenance hole exploding in the area
#breaking: ルーズベルト島で複数の爆発と建物の揺れに関する多数の報告
#マンハッタン l #ニューヨーク
救急隊員によると、消防団はその地域で発生した複数のメンテナンスホールの爆発に対処しているとのこと🚨#BREAKING: Numerous reports of multiple explosions and buildings shaking on Roosevelt Island
— R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) January 2, 2024
📌#Manhattan l #NewYork
Currently, numerous emergency crews and other agencies are responding to reports of multiple explosions, causing buildings to shake in the Roosevelt Island… pic.twitter.com/SHAknHOEfx
5:きんたむ(庭) [QA]:2024/01/02(火) 21:05:52.35 ID:GklTeLWS0
307:名無しさん@涙目です。(茸) [JP]:2024/01/02(火) 21:22:24.45 ID:Ugtf69pV0